Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Super Capacitors (SC) and Electric Vehicles - Where things stand AT THE MOMENT

Super Capacitors (or Ultra Capacitors or Gold Cap) is a promising field and might replace lithium like batteries in the future. However, Current status of technology and material will have to improve further. Here are some quick comparisons.
1) Cost for 1kwh of Li-ion battery is now around $200 (predicted to come down further). In comparison, SC is in the range of $1000 - $2000
2) Energy density, charge which could be held in 1kg of the battery is about 20 times lower for SC when compared with Li-ion batteries, this is expected to improve but even the most optimistic analysts say it would take at least 5-6 years for SC to come to the level of Li-ion batteries. Commercial production and wide availability in the market, and adoption might take even more years.
3) Even if number 2 above is managed and developed, still SC needs more space. Roughly it will take about 30% more space than a conventional battery.
4) Main advantage of SC is it's ability to quickly charge. However, To charge quickly, SC alone is not enough. A grid connection which is capable of giving that high power is also required.
5) Super capacitors do not use expensive or rare materials. They also have long life and can operate for many cycles. However, not that suitable to keep a current for a long time as there is a loss over time. There has been some improvement on this lately.
6) Despite above problems, SC is already in use. For instance in Shanghai, public electric buses. They need charging in each stop but that charging is quick. Run by government funds. To get the costs down and fit these to cars enabling the range and making it commercially viable is a challenge to be overcome in the future.
7) Worlds best minds and big companies are working on these problems and we can monitor progress and breakthroughs as they happen, on the internet.
Considering all above aspects, current status of the technology and future trends, estimates and predictions, it is my humble opinion that SC will not produce a solution in time for our current EV battery problem in Sri Lanka. [I could be wrong and there also is the possibility (rare but not 0) of an unexpected technological breakthrough happening any time.]

Sometimes people who even lack basic O/L science knowledge (due to that very reason) come up with amazing claims of technological breakthroughs. Cars powered by water, (making hydrogen out of water inside the car and then using it to run it for instance. This is basically due to lack of knowledge in energy conservation theory), a tiny solar panel on roof providing power to a LEAF etc.
Why these claims gain such huge traction in our society? I think the reason is media personnel are not adequately educated in science. If that was the case, most these would not even get published in national newspapers in the first place. (See this hilarious reporting for an example: https://www.facebook.com/ashoka.ekanayaka.3/posts/10155204457526222)
When people are desperate, they tend to grab on to any solution, which provides the background on which some people thrive.
Some people just want short term publicity and quick cash. Very similar to our politicians in nature. How many politicians and leaders we have who have left a long term legacy and achievement behind them? Very few indeed. Most others just provide entertainment for media which would last for 2-3 days and that's how they keep their followers going and survive. When a long term vision is absent, short term gimmicks emerge to fill that vacuum.
This is not to belittle any true Sri Lankan inventors. We have so many of them and they are not adequately appreciated, used or encouraged. At the same time, we also have some crooks.
Let's be knowledgeable and open-minded!

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